What Guides Us

Children, youth, and families in Essex County and the State of New Jersey have equitable access to high quality education, affordable housing, economic opportunity, and healthy communities so they can reach their full potential.

Schumann Fund for New Jersey advances ideas and opportunities to empower low-income children, families, and communities of color to thrive. We invest in non-profit organizations rooted in Essex County and statewide that work to advance racial and economic equity.


Respect for community and community voice.
A belief that individuals and communities are to be valued, listened to, and supported.


Authentic relationship with community that embodies the belief in the resiliency of communities and support for residents’ ownership of activities that affect their lives.


Community empowerment and collaboration reflect efforts to develop relationships and social capital that are responsive to and reflective of their own and the larger community’s needs.


A focus on racial and economic equity that are hallmarks of Schumann Fund philanthropy.


Demonstrated leadership with a willingness to tackle problems head-on with vision and determination.


Support for a resilient and well-resourced non-profit sector. Non-profit organizations need flexibility and consistent support to foster leadership and staff talent, strategically plan, and achieve transformative impact.


Honor for the legacy of Schumann philanthropy in the context of our direct service grantmaking in Essex County and identified priorities.