Before engaging in our application process, please review our mission and program priorities.

Application for new and renewal grant requests

Thank you for your interest in submitting a grant proposal to Schumann Fund for New Jersey.

Please use the Schumann Fund for New Jersey Grant Application for the proposal submission.

Proposal submissions should be accompanied by supporting attachments as described in the Grant Application.


Schumann Fund Board of Trustees meets quarterly to review and act on proposals: March, June, September, and December.

Full proposal applications should be submitted by the following deadlines*: 

January 15
April 15
July 15
October 15

*If deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, application is due on the next business day.

*PLEASE NOTE: With regard to our Q4 – October 15, 2024 deadline, we will primarily focus on renewal grant applications.

Action on proposals may be deferred to a later quarter.
Organizations will be notified following quarterly Board meetings as to the status of all requests.

Reporting Requirements

A narrative and financial report describing activities and progress made toward meeting goals during the grant period is due at the end of the grant period in accordance with the deadline in your grant award letter. 

For renewal grants: the narrative and financial report can be submitted with your renewal proposal submission or at the end of the grant period in accordance with the deadline in your grant award letter.

Please use the Schumann Fund for New Jersey Report.


Complete applications and reports, as applicable, should be emailed to Program Associate Kamille Oliveira.

Staff are available to answer questions. Particularly if you are with an organization new to Schumann Fund for New Jersey, you may wish to reach out to Program Associate Kamille Oliveira as your first point of contact.

Please note that much of our funding is committed to organizations that we have supported over many years. Schumann Fund for New Jersey is also subject to annual budget constraints. The availability of new funding is limited. All proposals should be clearly aligned with our program priorities and geographic scope.

If an organization submits a proposal and is not awarded funding, we respectfully request that you wait at least 12 months from the declination date before submitting another application.

Please note that final decisions for all grant applications rest with Schumann Fund for New Jersey Trustees.